Labradorite Healing Properties, Meanings and Powers
Labradorite is considered to be one of the most powerful protector stones in the mineral kingdom. It has often been referred to as the "stone of magic" or the "stone of inner transformation". It is said to raise the wearer's consciousness and bring in universal Energy. It creates an absolute barrier against negative energy. It enhances mental and intuitive abilities and aids the wearer in communication with spirit guides and their higher self. It serves as a bridge when moving between realms and provides a secure way to return to the present. It mitigates the unfavorable parts of the wearer's personality. It reduces stress, anger, and recklessly impulsive behavior. It promotes higher vibrations which prevent illness and detrimentally overwhelming feelings. It brings in balance and brings out the wearer's inner gifts and abilities. Labradorite also puts the wearer in touch with themselves and brings out the best in them.